Active healthy lifestyle is an integral part of any modern person’s life. Fortunately, the time when a cigarette in your teeth and a bottle of beer in your hand were considered cool has irrevocably passed. Now more and more people are giving up bad habits, choosing the right diet and sports.

Sports and a healthy lifestyle are inextricably linked. This is confirmed by the famous saying: “In a healthy body – healthy mind! You can’t argue with that: as a rule, athletes are determined and goal-oriented people, always going forward. The positive impact of sports on health and character has never been questioned and has long been scientifically proven.

The effect of sports on health

Regular practice of sports improves posture. It contributes to the correct positioning of all human organs.
Bones and ligaments become stronger, which reduces the risk of injuries from falls and severe bruises.
The heart becomes more resilient, which means the possibility of strokes and heart attacks in old age is reduced.
Exercise improves blood circulation.

Sports and healthy lifestyles help you look better: provide a beautiful trim figure.
Regular physical activity relieves stress, improves mood and increases the performance of a person. Maybe that’s why people who are engaged in sports since their youth, even at an advanced age look young, suffer less from ailments and always smile.

How to do sports for health?
First of all, you need to soberly assess your strength. In such a matter as physical activity, the main thing is not to overdo it. If you are a beginner, you should be especially attentive to your own sensations. Do not exercise “until the fall. As soon as there is a feeling that the muscles have worked hard enough, you should stop the exercise. Do not get upset if you can not make a lot of approaches at once or achieve a certain result. Success will come gradually over time. The main thing is not to harm yourself in such a good intention as to lead an active healthy lifestyle.

Dose the load depending on your age. It is clear that young children, teenagers and the elderly are contraindicated loads, such as lifting weights. Middle-aged men and women can work on certain muscle groups that are considered problematic.

Training should be regular. Only then is it possible to achieve the desired results. And if your exercise is limited to going to the gym twice or three times in six months, sports and a healthy lifestyle will not affect you in any way.

However, with all the desire, it is not always possible to take up your favorite sport. Perhaps, there are no conditions for classes, perhaps, there are no financial resources to pay for coaches and buy equipment, and, perhaps, it’s simply too late to start training. Don’t despair! There are many sports available for beginners that will help you keep in shape without spending too much money.

Sports for beginners
Athletics. Surely there is a well-equipped park or stadium near your home, where you can arrange for morning or evening jogging. As a last resort, you can run around the house. And need for this only comfortable sports clothes and shoes. Running trains the muscles of the legs and the heart system.

Swimming. An excellent way to spend your free time. It is necessary to sign up in the pool and at least once a week to attend training. It is not necessary to swim at once on speed, for a while it is important just to move in the water, until the body gets used to the load. You will need a bathing suit and a rubber cap. Swimming trains the shoulder girdle and the cardiac system.

Hiking. Every day to wade through forest thickets, ravines and driftwood – a great opportunity to harden not only the body but also the spirit. For hiking need cheerful company, sports clothes and shoes, and also an interesting route. Hiking trains, above all, endurance: both physical and moral.

Dancing. Any kind of dance can be considered a sport. It helps to learn to hold your back, to master your body, and to strengthen many muscles.

It is obvious that even for the unprepared person there are many options for sports. You don’t need neither a lot of money, nor a lot of time – those are just childish excuses for lazy people. The main thing is to really want to be active and healthy and to understand why you need it.